
Saturday, February 15, 2014

I was driving down the road today when I almost ran a red light. My guardian told me to stop the car so I didn't actually vault into the intersection. Mind you it was clear so I wouldn't have been hit but that is not the point. The point was that I wasn't paying attention. It's actually a complaint that a lot of people make about me. I am scattered and never here. I can't focus. I don't fully believe this mostly because the spirit that these things are said in usually isn't the greatest, but there is a kernel of truth. I wasn't paying attention. I was off somewhere else. Thinking about something that either had happened, was going to happen, or something I wish would happen. Probably the last one because I'm a dreamer. I wasn't fully there. I realize that a lot of the time we aren't really there. We are off in some other place or reality because this one isn't good enough for us. But if we are there, then who is taking care of things here. This reality isn't a fairytale but if you spend your life somewhere else then it never will be. I made a conscious effort to be right where I was one hundred percent all day long. I was happy. I didn't complain because I wasn't comparing my life to something else or pining after stupid stuff. I was making the here and now awesome. As soon as I did I noticed this extremely attractive guy that looked at me and FOLLOWED me around Walmart! He never said anything and neither did I but he was for sure following me. I would have missed that if I was on my phone talking to someone else. I would have missed that if I wasn't really there. And yes I had to bring in this fine man because this is a teenager's blog and I'm just being real. I went to take the dog outside and set down my phone. I listened to the wind and began to sing and dance. I'm sure I looked ridiculous. But I didn't care. Because as I looked up at the moon, in that moment I was happy. I am reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" and it has inspired me to look for perfect moments and spice up my life. While I was looking at the moon I felt perfect.
"And in that moment, I swear we were infinite" Charlie, the perks of being a wallflower

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