When is that fateful day that silence lets itself into your life? when is it that it takes a seat at the table and lies in bed with you? It exists in all of us. It is that factor that halts life, the single thing that drains. Silence is, scientifically speaking, and absence of. What its opposite is, noise and life, is energy. Sound is the thing that dominates the land of the living. The sound of foot steps, of eating, breathing, sleeping. But silence is always waiting. It exists in all of us, and comes when you no longer have that energy for life. Silence. it sits at your table for dinner. No one invited it, did we? No, in fact we drive it away. We wish silence would leave, and life would flood back in.
But we do invite the silence. With every though we leave unshared. We invite the silence with the walls we build around ourselves. WE invite the silence into our lives when we allow the sounds to fade from meaning. When the silence has come, we still recognize the sound, but do not hear it. We can still taste all of life, but not have our hunger filled. Because silence has taken us. The silence of a meaningless show on tv that we blare. The silence of meaninglessness. The silence that we strangle our suffering integrity and gasping inner fight with. Silence comes to accept us all into the realm of silence. Silence comes to take the sounds from the world. And we let it.
Sometimes we see silence coming. Sometimes we see it all around us. We fight. we fail. we win. Silence can wait but it will always be there. The thing about silence is that it is persistent. You must constantly fight it, or it wins by default. So you tell silence it is not welcome at the table.
Yet you do not fill that table with life. Not the life of ideas. Not the life of vigor. Of morality or responsibility. You, unknowingly, invite silence to slip back into its place with your own vacant thoughts. With your own existence devoid of God and meaning. You scream for silence to leave, because you so much hate the silence. but the silence can wait. It waits for you to finish, and goes on telling its story of consuming nothing. It spins it tale of silence and decay until you too are silent. Until you are not alive at all. Until you have accept it.
Silence can rule until it wins with your body in the ground. Many people go silent to the grave. But you don't have to. I don't have to. But how to best fight silence? what do you do when its sound is the definition of your existence? your relationship? What do you do when silence not only invades your physical world, but kisses your mind? when you decide sleep is all that the world offers? When rest is craved over action. Silence has won. Silence wages its war. We never see it coming, never hear it. Until it calls us home to the realm of silence. Most go there as the Hollow Men. Some go because their bodies can no longer make the sound. Those are the ones who are again instilled with sound. Those are the ones who again have their lives renewed, and the beat of life come rushing in. God will beat his drum, and all of those who exist in the realm of silence will hear. Some will rush to the sound. Some will remain behind with silence. Some will continue to eat at its table. For me, I pray to God the silence stops.
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