
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

The stage is set, and so what role do you cast?

            The roles have been cast, and someone is late. Who? This is not the important question, only who will take his place.  The answer of that question is also simple; I will play the role and do so perfectly. As they say, the show must go on. What they never mention is, the how. I am the how. I am the role that must be filled. I am the man who wears not just many masks, but wears as many as he must. I am nothing more than a messanger, just as Moses was. Notice I do not say just as Jesus was, for he knew of his mission from the day he was born, and his role was cast. As for me and Moses, we are powerful but only a means to the end. In this beautiful and mysterious play in life, I am a leader. I am not the bold and daring leader who is to smite the enemy, but the leader who is already weary and slowly trods towards freedom. I am the horse of life when the farmer is taken into the equation. The farmer, god, society, whomever you may call it, demands the land be not forgotten and that fruit spring from it. Many look and see a barren land of life, no reason to plow the soil. But horses don’t make those decisions, only plow when told. Yet I am the horse yet to be sold. I am the horse who knows that there is a field to be plowed, but I do not know which it might be. As of now, I am a actor who sees the roles that are to be filled, and have not yet judged which  I will fit in. Yet not taking a role is out of the question, for someone must do it. The show must go on. The world spins, the water splashes and the rain comes down, and I do not know which way to go. I am a light at the top of a hill to light a way. This light however, was lit by others. The fire does not decide when its lit, but its lit upon request. I have been requested, through my school and my mind and my family and my situation and my self proclaimed wisdom to play a role, a role that cannot be small. I am a horse, a light, a actor, all who is both at the will of all and at the will of none. A sheppard in a storm, I do not know the way but still feel that I must lead. So I must find the way in which to lead. So I am the horse who is in need of a field to tend, and an actor who is searching for a role, and a sheppard searching for home pastures. I see many, but I do not know which is mine. Yet, I am determined to go on. I am as strong as the horse, as smart as the actor in all his guises and knowledge, and as humble as the sheppard who owns nothing. I pray I will find my pasture soon, because the storm is cold. What I have not said is the reason I must lead, and that reason is simple. Not only must the show go on, but this is my favorite play.

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